Once Upon a Time Central Park
Central Park History
As the city was growing so rapidly economically and in population, there was an urgent need of space, a gathering space for the masses of people just to respite, take some fresh air and breaks from a routine life.
Then later in 1848 when this brilliant man, that happens to be running the New York Evening, nowadays known as NY Post, William Brian Cullen wrote an op-ed with an idea, picturing a natural oasis in the middle of city, then a prominent man connected with city
Andrew Jackson Downing, but unfortunately and unexpectedly dies in 1852, that is when the name of Calver Vaux surge along Frederick Law Olmsted, later the contest as the best urban plan, the winning as the better plan, and no better than the “Greensward plan” proposal, a vision that remains and we enjoy nowadays.

Mapping the African American Past. Seneca Village. cred pic-www.nps.gov
Central Park was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on October 15, 1966. It was designated a National Historic Landmark on May 23, 1963

Discover Central Park in a Top Rated Pedicab Tour
Our pedicab tour are focus in the history of the park with several stops at the highlights of the park, its a fun way of touring, and pretentious to be didactical tour, but surely with tons of facts. Please Reserve your tour Online, Booking Requiered!
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- https://www.thenation.com/article/society/black-land-seneca-village/
- Mapping the African American Past. “Seneca Village.”